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Guidance Counseling

Counselor's Corner


Working with the students, families, and faculty at Shades Mountain Elementary School is a joy.  I look forward to serving this community daily and meeting the needs of students as they grow throughout the school year.  School guidance counselors offer support services through large group guidance sessions, small groups, individual sessions, and general consultation. 

Who is the elementary school counselor?
The elementary school counselor is a certified, caring professional who helps all students achieve academic and personal success.

How do elementary school counselors help students?
- Individual counseling: to help children understand themselves and others.
- Small group counseling: to help groups of students who are dealing with the same topic.
- Group topics include friendship, anger management, divorce, and grief.
- Classroom Guidance: to help students develop communication skills, to better understand themselves and others, and to learn about topics relevant to every day living. Every student at Shades Mountain participates in classroom guidance. Each class has guidance every other week for 30 minutes.

How do elementary school counselors help teachers and other professionals?
- Consulting: to help identify the emotional academic needs of students.
- Coordinating: to help plan activities and programs for individual growth and educational success.

How do students receive counseling services?
- Referrals: Students, school personnel, and parents may refer a child to the school counselor. Parents may contact the school counselor to refer their child. A referral form is also sent to all parents at the beginning of the school year. Students may refer themselves by asking to see the counselor.
- Counseling: Sessions last 15-30 minutes and are confidential. Parents and teachers are informed of the progress of the student.

Guidance Initiatives

Mrs. Smalley's Newsletters

Core Essential Values:  Word of the month.

Parent Information

Preparing for Middle School-Middle School Parent Night

Kindness Month/Pink Shirt Day

Erin's Law is an Alabama Initiative HCS school counselors and administrators have created a plan to provide basic child sexual abuse prevention lessons for students. We have prepared a brief video that outlines plans for elementary, middle and high school levels. HCS’s has provided a plan to implement Erin’s Law, including the option for your child to opt out of these lessons if you so choose.

English opt out form.

Spanish opt out form.

Contact Mrs. Smalley (email)


Mrs. Smalley's Guidance Page